Welcome to the Artists' Deep Dive Online Residency
Your Residency will begin on January 1st - I am so thankful that you are here to be part of an inspiring month of creativity - are you ready? Are you wondering what you can do to get ready? Are there supplies that you'll need? What will we be doing? So many questions and ideas rolling around?
First - you will need a sketchbook or journal, nothing fancy and you might have one already...what artist doesn't? You might want a dedicated one just for the residency and it should be paper that will accept the media you want to work in, such as watercolour or charcoal. Try at least 8" x 10" or A4 size. This will be used as a place for ideas, journaling, brain dumps, mind maps, writing, Morning Pages or sketches.
Second - I am a firm believer that limitations encourage creativity - don't rush out to load up on "stuff". Use this opportunity to "dive deeply" into your studio supplies and work with them in new and unexpected ways, they can probably do more than you think!
Questions? Email me: susanpm@shaw.ca